Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious? Towards a new interpretation of Wundt's psychological project

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Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious? Towards a new interpretation of Wundt's psychological project
Despite the numerous and important contributions brought by Wundt scholarship in recent decades, some aspects of his work remain unclear and poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to explore one of these aspects, namely, the relationship between philosophy and psychology in Wundt's thought. To this end, we shall discuss an important yet neglected moment in Wundtian psychology, which remains unexplained to date: Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious? According to the interpretation offered here, this can only be adequately explained by his intense philosophical studies in the period preceding the publication of the Grundzüge in 1874. Finally, we will point out some implications of this analysis to the general interpretation of Wundt's psychological project.
Título da publicação
History of Psychology
Abreviatura do periódico
History of Psychology
1939-0610, 1093-4510
Título curto
Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious?
Data de acesso
28/08/2023 12:23
Catálogo de biblioteca
DOI.org (Crossref)
Citation 'apa'
Araújo, S. de F. (2012). Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious? Towards a new interpretation of Wundt’s psychological project. History of Psychology, 15(1), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0024478
Citation 'abnt'
ARAÚJO, S. DE F. Why did Wundt abandon his early theory of the unconscious? Towards a new interpretation of Wundt’s psychological project. History of Psychology, v. 15, n. 1, p. 33–49, 2012.