Bibliografia completa
The brazilian so known among us": the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in the libraries of Mexico (1933-1963) "[...]
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Autores ou contribuidores
- Silva, Rony Rei do Nascimento (Autor)
- Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto (Autor)
The brazilian so known among us": the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in the libraries of Mexico (1933-1963) "[...]
The text aims to analyze the circulation of the works of Lourenço Filho in Mexican libraries, in the period between 1933 and 1963. It is possible to affirm that the presence of these works in Mexico is indicative that they were part of the collections destined for the formation of normal schoolteachers, Primary Education leaders and school administrators, especially for offering readers principles of educational psychology, rural teacher training, experiences in Brazil and an overview of educational systems on a global scale. It can be concluded that the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in Mexican libraries is due to a network of relationships that he established with Mexican intellectuals, mediated by UNESCO and Crefal.
Título da publicação
História da Educação
Abreviatura do periódico
Hist. Educ.
1414-3518, 2236-3459
Título curto
The brazilian so known among us"
Data de acesso
30/10/2024 22:05
Catálogo de biblioteca
Publisher: Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação
Citation 'apa'
Silva, R. R. do N., & Nery, A. C. B. (2022). The brazilian so known among us": the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in the libraries of Mexico (1933-1963) "[...]. História da Educação, 26, 1–31.
Citation 'abnt'
SILVA, R. R. DO N.; NERY, A. C. B. The brazilian so known among us": the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in the libraries of Mexico (1933-1963) "[...]. História da Educação, v. 26, p. 1–31, 5 dez. 2022.
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