Bibliografia completa
Historiographical and bibliometric analysis of the Brazilian psychology journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica (1949–1968)
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Autores ou contribuidores
- Polanco, Fernando Andrés (Autor)
- Souza, Guilherme Santos de (Autor)
- Arsamenia, Elena dos Santos (Autor)
- Caetano, Vitória Alves (Autor)
- Castelo Branco, Paulo Coelho (Autor)
- Miranda, Rodrigo Lopes (Autor)
Historiographical and bibliometric analysis of the Brazilian psychology journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica (1949–1968)
Recently, several historical studies have been conducted on the institutionalization of psychology in Latin America using, among other sources, serialized primary data sources, such as scientific journal articles and undergraduate curricula. In this context, the present study describes and analyzes the characteristics of publications from the Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica (ABP) [Brazilian Archives of Psychotechnics] during its existence from 1949 to 1968. It was elected because was one of the first Brazilian psychology journals; its editorial board was involved in the application of psychology and its legal regulation. Methodologically, this study is a historiographical investigation that used bibliometric strategies and different software for data analysis. The results of this investigation indicate that ABP played the dual role of a scientific journal and newsletter. In addition, a concentration of articles was found among some authors, with Emilio Mira y López being the most productive. Although there was a predominance of male authors, both genders showed similar publication frequency. The results help to understand the institutionalization of the scientific-professional field of Brazilian psychology.
Título da publicação
Trends in Psychology
Abreviatura do periódico
Trends in Psychol.
Data de acesso
23/09/2024 16:04
Catálogo de biblioteca
Springer Link
Citation apa
Polanco, F. A., Souza, G. S. de, Arsamenia, E. dos S., Caetano, V. A., Castelo Branco, P. C., & Miranda, R. L. (2023). Historiographical and bibliometric analysis of the Brazilian psychology journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica (1949–1968). Trends in Psychology, 1–18.
Citation abnt
POLANCO, F. A. et al. Historiographical and bibliometric analysis of the Brazilian psychology journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica (1949–1968). Trends in Psychology, p. 1–18, 8 fev. 2023.
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