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Phenomenal Qualities of Autobiographical Memories in an Event-Cuing Paradigm
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Autores ou contribuidores
- Gomes, William (Autor)
- Gauer, Gustavo (Autor)
Phenomenal Qualities of Autobiographical Memories in an Event-Cuing Paradigm
Phenomenal qualities of recollection and reflexive properties of freely recalled momentous personal events were investigated in 2 experiments. Brazilian undergraduates recalled and rated specific autobiographical episodes through the Autobiographical Memory Questionnaire. In Experiment 1, momentous events were compared to childhood and adolescence scenes. Experiment 2 used an eventcuing paradigm to form 3 pairs of cuing and respective cued events: momentous, earliest recollection, and an event from the subject's birthday last year. No significant differences were found within clusters, but all variables differed between momentous and earliest clusters, whereas only vivid event variables (importance, emotion, rehearsal, unusualness, and consequences) distinguished momentous events from last birthday. Momentous events were characterized in terms of reflexively attributed vivid memory properties, rather than of phenomenal qualities of recollection. Results are discussed in their implications for the relationship between phenomenal qualities of recollection and judgments of autobiographical events and patterns of association in event clusters.
Título da publicação
Interamerican Journal of Psychology
Abreviatura do periódico
Interamerican Journal of Psychology
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Citation 'apa'
Gomes, W., & Gauer, G. (2010). Phenomenal Qualities of Autobiographical Memories in an Event-Cuing Paradigm. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 44, 467–474.
Citation 'abnt'
GOMES, W.; GAUER, G. Phenomenal Qualities of Autobiographical Memories in an Event-Cuing Paradigm. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, v. 44, p. 467–474, 1 jan. 2010.
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