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O X Colóquio Internacional Michel Foucault, realizado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) entre 24 e 27 de outubro de 2016, teve como proposta de reflexão as revoltas, as resistências e as insurreições na filosofia desse pensador. Procur ou discutir a dimensão da liberdade, da desobediência e das lutas em suas reflexões, na contramão das leituras simplificadoras, para não dizer ressentidas, que se satisfazem em enquadrar sua filosofia como antiemancipacionista, isto é, como incapaz d e fornecer saídas, a despeito das brilhantes análises sobre o exercício do poder na vida cotidiana. Assim, este livro, organizado a partir de um conjunto de textos especialmente escritos para o evento e devidamente revistos por seus respectivos autor es, nos apresenta um amplo panorama do pensamento de Michel Foucault e derivações dele para pensar nossas questões contemporâneas. “Ninguém tem o direito de dizer: ‘Revoltem-se por mim, trata-se da libertação final de todo homem.’ Mas não concordo co m aquele que dissesse: ‘Inútil se insurgir, sempre será a mesma coisa’. Não se impõe a lei a quem arrisca sua vida diante de um poder. Há ou não motivo para se revoltar? Deixemos aberta a questão. Insurge-se, é um fato; é por isso que a subjetividade (não a dos grandes homens, mas a de qualquer um) se introduz na história e lhe dá seu alento.
In my rejoinder, I show how Brock’s and Burman’s replies to my article (Araujo, 2017) are based on a series of misunderstandings and misattributions. First, I argue that Brock ignores crucial passages of my article and my related book, and show not only that he misunderstands Wundt’s position on the introspective method, but also that his claim, according to which there is nothing new in my approach, lacks substance. Second, I argue that Burman’s text fails to make contact with the substantive thrust of my paper, and that his appeal to contextualism is vague and does not address the substantive questions I raise. Finally, I conclude that Brock’s rejection of my proposal, as well as his misunderstandings and misattributions, derives from a kind of methodological dogmatism, against which the best medicine is methodological pluralism, and that Burman’s worries are unjustified and can be avoided by a careful reading of my paper.
The suspicion that language can become an obstacle to human knowledge is not new in the Western intellectual tradition. Following the empiricist legacy, many authors have suggested the perils and pitfalls of common sense language for science. Applied to psychology, this leads to the issue of the reliability of psychological language for scientific psychology. William James, in his Principles of Psychology, was one of the first psychologists to address this problem explicitly. The goal of this paper is to situate his position and contrast it with contemporary debates over the status of folk psychology. The results indicate that James conceived of common sense psychology in a very complex manner, and pointed to a kind of illusion that remains ignored in the current literature, with negative consequences for psychology. I conclude by suggesting the relevance of James for contemporary debates in theoretical and philosophical psychology.
Recent transformations in the history of science and the philosophy of science have led historians of psychology to raise questions about the future development of their historiography. Although there is a dominant tendency among them to view their discipline as related to the social turn in the history of science, there is no consensus over how to approach the history of psychology methodologically. The aim of this article is to address the issue of the future of the historiography of psychology by proposing an alternative but complementary path for the field, which I call a philosophical history of psychology. In order to achieve this goal, I will first present and discuss the emergence of the social turn in the history of psychology, showing some of its problems. I will then introduce the contemporary debate about the integration of the history of science and the philosophy of science as an alternative model for the history of psychology. Finally, I will propose general guidelines for a philosophical history of psychology, discussing some of its possible advantages and limitations.
Edward Titchener (1867–1927) is one of the most prominent figures in the history of American psychology from the early 20th century. Accordingly, his psychological system—structuralism—has received due attention in the secondary literature. However, a closer look at traditional interpretations of the development of Titchener’s ideas reveals a series of missing elements, such as his early studies before going to Leipzig. The central goal of this article is to present the main elements of Titchener’s intellectual education in Oxford, thereby showing the influence of the British tradition of the 19th century upon his early intellectual development. On the basis of hitherto unexplored primary sources, we discuss Titchener’s relationship with British idealism and scientific naturalism, two movements that shaped a significant part of British psychological thinking in the 19th century. We conclude that Titchener’s Oxford years are much more relevant to understanding his intellectual development than the literature has so far assumed.
Partindo do pressuposto da vinculação da Psicologia a determinados compromissos de classe, buscaremos evidenciar como sua história articula-se à história da formação social brasileira e às principais ideologias de dois de seus ciclos históricos: o ciclo democrático-nacional e o ciclo democrático-popular. Como método, lançaremos mão dos pressupostos, da lógica e dos conceitos provenientes da tradição marxista, especialmente aqueles oriundos das reflexões do marxista sardo Antonio Gramsci. Procuraremos, ainda, apontar de que maneira a Psicologia nascida durante o ciclo democrático-popular, em que pese a contribuição dada à reflexão sobre o caráter ideológico e elitista da Psicologia brasileira, não necessariamente deixou de cumprir, ela também, determinado papel ideológico, seja ao retirar do horizonte de suas análises o núcleo central da teoria social marxista, seja ao promover algumas práticas que pouco contribuem para fornecer às classes subalternas os elementos de que necessitam para potencializar suas lutas radicalmente emancipatórias. Com esse objetivo, esperamos contribuir com alguns apontamentos para a crítica da ideologia do compromisso social da qual esta Psicologia é intimamente solidária, da mesma forma como a Psicologia do ciclo democrático-nacional foi intimamente solidária à ideologia nacional-desenvolvimentista.
Tipo de recurso
- Artigo de periódico (1.874)
- Conferência (1)
- Livro (471)
- Seção de livro (1.151)
- Tese (511)
Ano de publicação
- Entre 1900 e 1999 (405)
Entre 2000 e 2024
- Entre 2000 e 2009 (1.082)
- Entre 2010 e 2019 (1.645)
- Entre 2020 e 2024 (872)
- Desconhecido (4)