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O objetivo do presente trabalho é comparar as definições de objeto e método nos projetos de psicologia experimental de Wilhelm Wundt e Edward Titchener. Tendo em vista as aproximações equivocadas entre os autores presentes nos manuais de psicologia e a escassez de estudos mais sistemáticos acerca da obra de Titchener, em especial no cenário nacional, as comparações entre as idéias de ambos, disponíveis na literatura secundária, ainda não foram suficientes para demonstrar as diferenças entre suas propostas. Frente a este panorama, propõe-se uma comparação das definições de objeto e método da psicologia, especificamente nas obras que representam o período de maturidade das idéias de Wundt, com aquelas que caracterizam a expressão clássica do estruturalismo de Titchener. A tese central é que, em função dos distintos pressupostos teóricos, as noções de experiência humana e do domínio do psíquico adquirem um diferente significado no pensamento de cada autor, configurando com isso diferentes objetos de estudo para a psicologia e, consequentemente, uma diferente compreensão acerca das possibilidades e limites do método experimental.
The science and practice of psychology has evolved around the world on different trajectories and timelines, yet with a convergence on the recognition of the need for a human science that can confront the challenges facing the world today. Few would argue that the standard narrative of the history of psychology has emphasized European and American traditions over others, but in today's global culture, there is a greater need in psychology for international understanding. This volume describes the historical development of psychology in countries throughout the world. Contributors provide narratives that examine the political and socioeconomic forces that have shaped their nations' psychologies. Each unique story adds another element to our understanding of the history of psychology. The chapters in this volume remind us that there are unique contexts and circumstances that influence the ways in which the science and practice of psychology are assimilated into our daily lives. Making these contexts and circumstances explicit through historical research and writing provides some promise of greater international insight, as well as a better understanding of the human condition.
The science and practice of psychology has evolved around the world on different trajectories and timelines, yet with a convergence on the recognition of the need for a human science that can confront the challenges facing the world today. Few would argue that the standard narrative of the history of psychology has emphasized European and American traditions over others, but in today's global culture, there is a greater need in psychology for international understanding. This volume describes the historical development of psychology in countries throughout the world. Contributors provide narratives that examine the political and socioeconomic forces that have shaped their nations' psychologies. Each unique story adds another element to our understanding of the history of psychology. The chapters in this volume remind us that there are unique contexts and circumstances that influence the ways in which the science and practice of psychology are assimilated into our daily lives. Making these contexts and circumstances explicit through historical research and writing provides some promise of greater international insight, as well as a better understanding of the human condition.
Religião na história da psicologia no Brasil: o caso do protestantismo
Tipo de recurso
- Artigo de periódico (103)
- Livro (20)
- Seção de livro (55)
- Tese (30)